How to Make Yam fufu - Simple, Quick, and Easy.

How to Make Yam fufu - Simple, Quick, and Easy.

You are not about to cook some right?

Yam fufu is a simple, quick, and easy dish. The preparation is very straightforward. It can also be made with any vegetable you have on hand. Yam fufu is the type of food that will make you feel at home in any country. You can make it with plantains or potatoes. It's best eaten with groundnut soup or green pepper soup. Here are some steps to help you make yam fufu for your friends and family!

How to Prepare Yam Fufu

1) Peel the yam and put it into a pot of boiling water for about 10 minutes.

2) Once cooked, drain the excess water and mash the yam with a masher or fork.

3) Add salt to taste and knead until you form dough-like thick paste.

4) Add hot water until you reach desired consistency.

5) Spread on a plate or bowl and enjoy!

How to Cook Yam Fufu

What's the best way to cook yam fufu?

You can make yam fufu with a microwave or a stove. If you're cooking it on a stove, first peel and rinse the yams thoroughly. Cut them into small pieces. Mix in some salt and pepper, and put your pot of water on the stove to boil. Add the yams to the boiling water and let them cook for about 15 minutes or until they are soft.

If you're cooking them in the microwave, first wash and peel the skin off of your yams, then cut them up into smaller pieces before putting them in a microwavable dish with a little bit of water. Cover the dish with saran wrap and cook for 10-15 minutes until they are soft.

Once your vegetables are cooked, mash them into a paste using a fork or a masher. The consistency should be like that of mashed potatoes. You can now add some protein to it such as ground chicken or beef if you want or leave it as is if you prefer! Yum!

Adding Other Vegetables

If you want to make yam fufu with other vegetables, simply add them in the same way as mentioned above. You can also replace the yam for jute or cocoyam if you like.

What Type of Sauce to Use

For the sauce, you can use groundnut powder, green pepper, or another type of vegetable.

The yam fufu will be made with the following ingredients:

-1 onion

-2 tomatoes

-1/2 cup water or palm oil (optional)

-1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)

-1 lb. yams

-3 cups of water (to make a soup)

-1/2 cup coconut milk (optional)

-Any vegetables you want to add in

Making a Fufu Dough From the Yam

This recipe is made from a yam, but you can also use a plantain or a potato.

After washing the yam and peeling it, grate it. Add water to the grated yam and knead until you have a dough-like consistency.

The dough should be very soft and moist with some liquid still left. If it sticks to your hands, then add more water or flour as needed. Knead the dough until it is no longer sticky and becomes smooth.

Things to remember

-You'll need to find the right type of yam for this dish.

-The yams should be peeled, boiled, and mashed.

-Add salt or pepper to taste.

-Then fry onions and peppers in a pan with oil.

-Add garlic and ginger and fry for 5 minutes.

-Add the fried vegetables to the mashed yams and stir well.

-Transfer the mixture to a pot with water and simmer on low heat for 10 minutes or until it's thick.


Yam Fufu is a traditional dish from Nigeria, West Africa that is very popular in the African Diaspora.

This dish is made with boiled yams, ground crayfish or shrimp, and mixed vegetables such as onions, greens and ground crayfish or shrimp. The sauce can be spicy and is served with fufu dough made from the yams. It's also very simple and quick to prepare!

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