Apple Steamed Egg- A Healthy Breakfast Recipe You Can Make in 5 Minutes.

Apple Steamed Egg- A Healthy Breakfast Recipe You Can Make in 5 Minutes.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it can set you up for a productive day ahead. It’s a great way to fuel your body with energy, vitamins, and minerals after a full night’s rest. And while many people eat cereal or toast for breakfast, many other healthy choices are more nutritious. In this blog post, we will share one of our favorite quick recipes- Apple Steamed Egg.

This dish is easy to make and has only 2 ingredients: apples and eggs. So what are you waiting for? Get your healthier breakfast today with this apple steamed egg recipe!

The Importance of Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It fuels your body with energy, vitamins, and minerals after a full night’s rest. Breakfast also sets you up for a productive day ahead. But many people skip breakfast because they are in a rush to get to work or they don't have time to prepare something that will keep them full until lunchtime.

But it doesn't have to be that way! There are plenty of quick breakfasts that are just as nutritious as your regular cereal or toast. This apple steamed egg recipe is one of our favorites!

Apple Steamed Egg Recipe

This dish is the perfect option for those who are looking for a healthy, quick breakfast.


-2 eggs

-1 apple, cut into small cubes

-salt and pepper to taste (optional)


-Spray a small pan with cooking spray or coat lightly with oil. Add eggs to the pan and quickly scramble eggs. Add apples to eggs and stir until both ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. Serve hot!

How to Make Apple Steamed Egg

In a pot, boil 3 cups of water. Remove from heat and add the apples. Cover the pot with a lid and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, crack 2 eggs into a small bowl and whisk until thoroughly mixed.

Remove cover from pot and return to stovetop over low-medium heat. Gently pour enough egg mixture into the pot to cover the surface of the apple pieces. Cover and cook for 5-6 minutes or until eggs are cooked through. Serve immediately.

Other Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Aside from this Apple Steamed Egg recipe, here are some other healthy breakfast ideas:

- Oatmeal

- Smoothies

- Salads

- Yogurt with fruit

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's an opportunity to give your body energy and nutrients to carry you throughout the day. The goal should be to have a nutritious breakfast that won't leave you hungry or tired. You could eat cereal or toast, but many other choices are more nutritious. Here's one of our favorites, Apple Steamed Egg!

Why This Recipe Is Good For You

What could be better than a healthy breakfast? This dish is full of nutrients and perfect for those who are following a healthy diet.

It's also quick and easy to make. You can whip up this recipe in less than 5 minutes, and it only requires 2 ingredients: eggs and cooked apples.

The Health Benefits of Apple and Eggs

Eggs are a great source of vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron. They also contain high-quality protein that is easy to digest and helps with muscle growth.

Apple, on the other hand, is a nutrient-dense fruit that offers a healthy dose of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

So this dish contains all the nutrients you need (and more!) to start your day!


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is why it is so important to have a recipe that is quick, easy, and healthy. The Apple Steamed Egg is a perfect example of this. It is made in less than five minutes and provides you with your daily dose of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

There are many healthy breakfast recipes you can make in five minutes, but this one is currently my favorite. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

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