How to Make Dumplings Filled with Beans

How to Make Dumplings Filled with Beans

How to Make Dumplings Filled with Beans

Image Source: Flickr

With the upcoming New Year and its abundance of dumplings, you may be wondering what to do with all those leftovers. Thankfully, there are plenty of creative ways to extend their shelf life. The best way to repurpose leftover dumplings is by making something else out of them. While some people will simply reheat them or store them in a jar for later consumption, others prefer to use them as the basis for something new. If you’re one of the latter, read on for some fantastic tips on how you can turn those delicious dumplings into something entirely different but equally scrumptious. There are many dishes that are commonly made using beans and other legumes as their main ingredient. Among these are hummus, falafel, and now… dumplings! These simple snacks have been around since ancient times, but they never get old or lose their popularity because they’re just that good! Here is how you can make your own batch at home with pantry staples and a few easy steps:

What You Need to Make Bean Dumplings

There are several types of dumplings; the main difference between them is their stuffing. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is decide which type of dumplings you want to make. The most common varieties of dumplings are meat and vegetable-based, but the sky’s the limit when it comes to stuffing. You can even use sweets and other unusual ingredients. One thing’s for sure: you’ll probably want to use some type of legume as a filling because it’s cheap and readily available. Your best bet is to use dried beans. There are plenty of different types of beans to choose from. The most common are kidney beans, navy beans, black beans, and pinto beans.

Boiled Beans

As you may have guessed, the first thing you need to do is boil some dried beans. This will soften them up and make them easier to work with. You can choose any type of beans you like, but you may want to go with navy beans or black beans because they’re small enough to fit inside a dumpling. The amount of dried beans you need will vary depending on the type and how many dumplings you want to make. Keep in mind that the beans will double or triple in size after they’re cooked, so you’ll want to start out with a small amount.


Now, you’ll want to season your beans before mixing them with your dumpling dough. This will give them a unique flavor and make them taste like something other than just cooked beans. The best way to flavor your beans is to add some salt and other common pantry staples. Some ideas include cayenne pepper, chili powder, cumin, paprika, and turmeric. You can also add some fresh herbs, such as oregano, rosemary, or thyme. Just remember that dried herbs are stronger than fresh ones, so a little goes a long way. Alternatively, you can use chopped roasted garlic or even finely chopped olives.

Wrapped Dumplings (+ Recipe)

Now that you have some flavored beans and dough, you can start making dumplings! You’ll want to use a small spoon to scoop some beans out and place them inside the wrapper. When folding the dumplings, try to make sure they’re as round as possible. Otherwise, they’ll end up looking like blobs of dough with a few beans poking out here and there. The best way to seal the dumplings is to use your fingers. Poke one end of the wrapper into the other, and then pinch them together. Once your dumplings are sealed, you can deep fry them, boil them, or pan fry them for about 30 seconds per side.

Fried Dumplings (+ Recipe)

You can also fry your dumplings. Simply add a little oil to a pan, heat it up, and fry your dumplings for 3 to 5 minutes per side. The best type of oil to use is peanut oil because it has a high smoke point, which means it won’t burn as easily. If you don’t have any peanut oil on hand, vegetable oil is a good alternative. This method will give your dumplings a different texture than the previous one. They’ll be crunchier, but they won’t taste as much like beans since they’ll absorb less oil.


There are many ways to repurpose leftover dumplings, but the best way to do this is to make something new out of them. If you have leftover dumplings, you can make them into something entirely different and equally tasty. The best way to do this is by wrapping them in dough and frying or baking them until they are crispy. With these tips, you can easily transform your leftover dumplings.

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