Congee with Lotus Seed Gorgon: Relieve Stress and Prevent Insomnia.

 Congee with Lotus Seed Gorgon: Relieve Stress and Prevent Insomnia.

Lotus seed and gorgon porridge is a therapeutic diet that consists mostly of lotus seeds and gorgon.
Congee with Lotus Seed Gorgon: Relieve Stress and Prevent Insomnia.

Raw material:

100 grams of glutinous rice, 50 grams each of lotus seeds and gorgon.


The amount of rock sugar.


Wash the glutinous rice and Gorgon completely, then soak them in cold water for 2-3 hours before removing and draining the water.

To extract the lotus core, wash the lotus seeds and soak them in cold water.

Add water to the saucepan, then add the lotus seeds, gorgon, and sticky rice. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to a low heat, and lastly add rock sugar and continue to cook for a while.

Effect of nourishing:

Lotus seeds nourish the spleen and cure diarrhea, nourish the mind and soothe the mind, and gorgon nourishes the spleen and the night. As a result, lotus gorgon porridge is frequently used to treat tension, sleeplessness, and other discomforts induced by work stress.

The primary therapy for leucorrhea disease and kidney deficiency type: leucorrhea is chilly, huge in quantity, thin in quality, dripping constantly throughout the day, aching back, cold and pain in the lower belly, thin and white fur, and a late pulse.
Suggestion: It is recommended to cook porridge in a casserole rather than a rice cooker since it has a rougher texture and some components that the rice cooker cannot degrade, whereas the casserole is different. Because the pot contains a large number of tiny trachoma, it can absorb greasy substances and absorbs heat slowly, the cooked food tastes nice.


You may also make a powder out of lotus seeds and gorgon and simmer it with rice until the rice is rotten. Because lotus seeds are astringent, they should be taken with caution by people who have dry stools.

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