Longan and jujube nourishing soup: moisturizing beauty, nourishing blood and soothe the nerves

 Longan and jujube nourishing soup: moisturizing beauty, nourishing blood and soothe the nerves

Raw material

8 longans, 10 grams each of jujube, lotus seeds, and white fungus.


Brown sugar


Soak the white fungus, remove the yellow roots, wash, and cut into pieces.

Wash the lotus seeds and soak in water; wash the jujube; remove the core of the longan and take the meat.

Put the dried longan meat, jujube, lotus seeds, and white fungus in a casserole, add water, bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to a low heat, and cook the soup for about 30 minutes.

When the soup is ready, add brown sugar, stir well and drink.

Longan and Jujube Soup

Nourishing effect

Longan is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It benefits the heart and spleen and nourishes qi and blood. Combining it for soup has the effect of nourishing blood and spleen, replenishing the heart and calming the nerves. Especially for women after menstruation, this soup can make you rosy and charming.


Anyone who has phlegm fire to damp stagnation, stop drinking. Diabetics should not consume this product, pregnant women should also pay attention to eating.

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