5 best ways to cook salmon at home. 5 salmon recipes to start a beautiful day.

5 best ways to cook salmon at home. 5 salmon recipes to start a beautiful day.

Salmon has been a staple of the human diet for centuries, and it is now considered one of the healthiest foods on the planet. And since it is loaded with healthy omega-3s, it's also an important part of any weight loss or weight management plan. However, not everyone knows how to cook salmon to maximize its flavor and health benefits. This article will teach you everything you need to know about cooking this delicious fish! From cooking tips to recipe suggestions, this blog post will make your love of cooking salmon even stronger.

How to cook salmon

Salmon is a delicious, fatty fish that's packed with healthy omega-3s. But salmon can be tricky to cook. If you follow these simple instructions, you'll be cooking a gourmet meal in no time!

You can grill, bake, microwave or pan-fry your salmon for a flavorful and healthy meal. And it's important that the heat is moderate when cooking your salmon so that it doesn't dry out too much. Here are some tips for cooking this fish:

1. When grilling your salmon, make sure to not overcook it or char it. This will dry out the fish and give you a less flavorful dish.

2. When baking your salmon, use a rack so that all of those yummy brown bits will fall down to flavor the sauce below it as it cooks. Broil for 5 minutes per inch of thickness at the thickest part of the fish and then top with butter and lemon juice before serving.

3. Microwave your salmon on high power (or medium power) for 3-4 minutes per 1/2 lb, rotating halfway through cooking time and basting with lemon juice or melted butter if desired.

4. Pan fry the fish at medium.

Recipes for cooking salmon

Salmon is a delicious fish, but it can also be a little intimidating to cook. But with these simple cooking tips and recipes, you'll soon be able to prepare salmon with ease.

To start, you want to make sure that your cooking oil or butter is hot before adding the salmon fillet. This ensures that the fish will not stick to the pan and release some of its precious flavor while cooking.

Next, use a spatula or tongs when flipping the fillet in the pan. Make sure that you let one side of the fish cook for about five minutes before flipping - otherwise it will break apart when flipped.

Try cooking your salmon on medium heat for five minutes per inch of thickness before turning it over or removing it from the pan. You can tell when your salmon is done by looking at the edges - they should turn light gold or white before removing them from heat. Finally, don't forget to cover your pan while waiting for the salmon's timer to go off!

5 best ways to cook salmon at home. 5 salmon recipes to start a beautiful day.

Frying, grilling, baking

, and poaching—we've got a method for every mood.

Salmon is a relatively lean source of protein that has a mild flavor that makes it easy to pair with a variety of ingredients. That means there's no wrong way to cook it!

Some people like to cook salmon with the skin on, while others prefer it completely removed. You can also add herbs and spices before cooking, such as salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, or thyme.

If you're looking for some lunch options, try our grilled salmon recipe with zesty sauce or the honey-glazed salmon with crispy potatoes and vegetables! Both are delicious and healthy options that will leave you energized for the rest of the day.

Alternatively, if you're in the mood for something more indulgent: we've got an oven-baked salmon fillet recipe with green beans and almonds for when you want something fresh but hearty. One last option is our baked smoked fish recipe; this dish combines flavors from all over the world (from North America to Asia) to make one epic meal.



Salmon is a type of fatty fish, so it needs to be cooked in order to render its oils and make it succulent. And while some people would argue that you should pan fry it for the best flavor, microwaving salmon is a healthier option.

Microwave salmon is a great alternative because you can buy a frozen block of it and cook it without any added oil at all. If you're cooking a whole filet, place the salmon on a microwave-safe plate and cook on high power for 2-3 minutes per each 1 inch thickness of salmon. For semi-frozen blocks, increase cooking time by 1 minute per inch. Cooking time may vary depending on your microwave's strength.

In addition to being healthy, microwaving also provides even more cooking throughout the fish, so it doesn't have dry patches or overcook at one end.

5 best ways to cook salmon at home. 5 salmon recipes to start a beautiful day.



Salmon is a versatile fish that can be sauteed, roasted, grilled, deep-fried, and broiled. Many people don't know that salmon can also be broiled. Broiling is a quick and easy way to cook the fish because it doesn't require turning the fish over midway through cooking. Just make sure you use a pan with a tightly fitting cover because salmon has a tendency to spit while cooking.

The best preparation method for broiled salmon is a dry rub or a sauce. Sprinkle your favorite salt and pepper on both sides of the fish before cooking it in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. After baking, brush it with your favorite sauce or serve it with the sauce from the recipe you used for cooking.


Steaming salmon is a great option for those who may not have a grill or a pan big enough to cook a whole filet. It cooks the fish through and doesn't dry it out like a grilling can.

Steaming is also an easy way to cook salmon for those who don't want their house to smell like cooking fish all day long. Steamed salmon will be done in about 20 minutes (once the water boils).

There are many different ways to season steamed salmon, but we recommend lemon juice and garlic. You can also sprinkle some salt and pepper over the top before you serve it if you would like!

You can eat steamed salmon as it is, but we recommend pairing it with rice and broccoli (or any vegetable of your choice).


Salmon is an excellent source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D. You can enjoy it in so many ways - all you need is some creativity!

Here are five of the best ways to cook salmon at home. Which one will you try first?

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