What foods should you eat for detox in the spring?

 What foods should you eat for detox in the spring?

Spring is the time of recovery for all things. The arrival of spring means that many vegetables and fruits are in the growing season. Then in this season, we can eat more fruits and vegetables, especially raw vegetables. Food is best.

So when it comes to spring, is it best to eat vegetables?

Spring is a time of good health. In the spring, you should pay attention to taking good care of your body. During this time, your body's metabolism is very active and its body functions are also excellent. You should choose other non-toxic foods to eat to keep your body healthy. Let me introduce What foods should you eat for detox in the spring?

What foods should you eat for detox in the spring?

If you want to get rid of toxins in the spring, you can eat an edible plant with succulent branches. After entering the body, it is easy to produce lignin, which can reduce the chances of carcinogenic substances in the gut, and can cause the stool to leak out faster.

You can also eat breasts to remove toxins. Millet will not cause irritation to the intestinal wall. It is a soft food and is easily digested by the body. Make nutrients more common and make the whitening effect better.

You can eat barley with detoxification in the winter, which can increase the speed of blood circulation in the body, improve water metabolism, and achieve the effect of diuresis and inflammation.

You can also eat beans. Mung beans can relieve summer heat and dryness, remove moisture, excrete urine, remove toxins and remove heat. Drinking mung bean soup in the spring can also achieve inflammation and eliminate toxins, but the cooking time should not be too long, otherwise, it will destroy organic acids.

Eating apples contain a lot of vitamin C and cellulose and contains pectin, which is a portion of good food that lowers lipid. You can also eat sweet potatoes, which can keep folic acid normal and reduce the risk of cancer. It can also be added The dietary fiber needed by the body speeds up digestion and prevents constipation.

what to eat in the spring

It is advisable to eat some honey in the spring. Honey can achieve a laxative effect and qi tonifying. In winter, climate change is very severe, and it is easy to catch a cold. Honey contains vitamins and minerals, which can achieve a decongestant effect and cleanse the lungs and can improve immunity. It is a very nutritious food. It can be very nutritious by soaking some honey in water and drinking it daily.

It is also good to eat spring bamboo shoots, the taste is very good, and the amount of healthy food is very high. It can be eaten as a vegetable dish or as a meat dish. The method is different and the taste is different. It can be cooked with meat and can be eaten. The results of health care are also very good.

Eating spinach can play a role in preventing spring dryness. Eating spinach in the winter can eliminate toxins, and the taste is extremely fresh. In traditional Chinese medicine, spinach can achieve the effect of dehydration, stopping bleeding and nourishing the blood. It contains extra oxalic acid, so it will affect the absorption of iron and calcium, spinach should be boiled in boiling water before cooking.

Recommended spring cooking recipes

There are still plenty of healthy recipes that can be eaten in the spring. Lettuce with oyster sauce is very good. You need to prepare the right amount of lettuce, some salt, chicken essence, garlic, green onions, oyster sauce. After peeling the lettuce, cut it into large pieces, chop the ginger and green onions, and place in a pot. Add enough water to boil, place the lettuce on the floor and blanch, then drain and drain the water, pour the oil into the pot and heat, place the chopped green onions and fry, then add the chopped garlic and oyster sauce, remove from the heat and heat. low, add After stirring the chicken marijuana, add the lettuce, and finally thicken and eat.

You can also make delicious yams to eat. You need to prepare yam, fragrant dried osmanthus, honey, and hawthorn cake. Combine honey and fragrant dried osmanthus in a bowl. Remove the yam skin and cut it into pieces. Let it cool to pieces. The hawthorn cake also needs to be cut into equal pieces, then alternated in size, and sprinkled with fragrant osmanthus honey on top to eat.

You can also eat banana lily tremella soup, prepare the right amount of tremella, lily, banana, wolfberry, and rock sugar, first wash the dried lily and immerse it, after dipping the tremella, peel it into flowers, remove the stem and wash, peel a banana and cut it into pieces Wash the pieces and the wolfberry, put the cherries in a bowl, add the right amount of water, put them in a pot and steam for half an hour, then place the banana slices and lily in a bowl of the white mold together, add the appropriate amount rock sugar, and put them in a pot Fragrant for half an hour, and finally add the wolfberry and boil for a while.

You can also eat cold Enoch mushrooms in the spring. You need to prepare Enoch Mushrooms, Cucumbers, Proper amount of chili oil, sugar, vinegar, salt, sesame oil, garlic juice, green peppers, remove old Enoch mushroom roots, clean and disperse them in water, and rub them. cucumbers, and green peppers. Rub it, then add the sesame oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, garlic juice, add the chili oil and mix well, it will taste better after freezing.

The above introduces you to toxic foods that should be eaten in the spring. After reading the introduction above, you should also have some understanding. If you want to get rid of toxins in the spring, this diet is a good choice. Only with proper nutrition can your body be healthy. Toxins in the body can be effectively eliminated, so people who want to lose weight should pay attention to diet properly.

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