What vegetables are good to eat in the spring

 What vegetables are good to eat in the spring

Spring is the time of recovery for all things. The arrival of spring means that many vegetables and fruits are in the growing season. Then in this season, we can eat more fruits and vegetables, especially raw vegetables. Food is best. So when it comes to spring, is it best to eat vegetables?

Vegetables are one of the ingredients most people like to eat. It can be said that with the changing social conditions and the gradual improvement and improvement of human living conditions, simply eating large fish and meat will no longer meet our daily needs. Today's restaurant always reminds us that we need to eat vegetables regularly. Spring is a popular time. In the spring, when the flowers are in bloom, temperatures and other natural conditions gradually warm-up, which is also true of the growing conditions of many crops. Therefore, in the spring, we can increase If you eat certain vegetables, first of all, bean sprouts are the vegetables we recommend to eat more in the spring. Generally, spring is still dry and windy. Therefore, an episode of irritability such as angular stomatitis is common. It will happen, then bean sprouts are one of the best vegetables to prevent dry lips, which are in line with the spring mood. The taste and flavor of the bean sprouts are very good and very nutritious. Properly eating these bean sprouts can be nutritious and moisturizing. Drying, heat cleaning, and detoxification; for example, soybean sprouts and the bean sprouts we usually eat have more vitamins and minerals than the original beans, and the soy protein extracts of peanut beans are high. Ingredients and polysaccharides are also easily absorbed by the body. The second vegetable recommended for everyone to eat in the spring is the shepherd's purse. Malusi's bag cannot withstand the cold. Therefore, after the onset of spring, the shepherd's purse is on the market. Malusi's bag is much richer than nutrients, which include carotene, vitamin C, and various minerals. Wait, moreover, the shepherd's purse is rich in calcium, three times as much as milk of the same quality; The third recommendation is lettuce in the spring, and lettuce also has a name called spring vegetables, which is very appropriate. Eat-in the spring.

The content of the article above gives you a general definition. Spring, the time when everything grows, what kind of vegetables is best for us to eat. Vegetables are the most important source of nutrition for us, and we should eat them in moderation. Some vegetables are good for our bodies. You can refer to the article above to choose the vegetables you will eat in the spring.

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