How to Go Vegetarian: It's Easier Than You Think!

How to Go Vegetarian: It's Easier Than You Think!

A vegetarian diet is one that helps prevent some of the serious health problems that are more common in people who eat meat. It also benefits animals and the environment. A lot of people think they would never be able to give up meat, but it’s easier than you might think. Here are some helpful tips on how to go vegetarian.

What does a vegetarian diet look like?

A vegetarian diet is one that doesn't contain any meat, poultry or fish. The main difference between a vegetarian diet and being vegan is that vegans do not eat dairy products.

Just because you're giving up meat doesn't mean you have to give up the taste of it! There are plenty of substitutes for meat, like tofu or beans. You can also find vegetarian versions of your favorite dishes at your local grocery store or restaurant.

Vegetarianism also has many health benefits. For example, people who are vegetarians are less likely to develop heart disease or diabetes. Vegetarians are also more likely to live longer than those who eat meat.

Not only does it help animals, but a vegetarian diet is better for the environment too! It takes more resources for animals to be raised on factory farms than plants, so by eating plants instead, you're helping preserve natural resources and energy sources.

Why go vegetarian?

If you're considering going vegetarian, you're probably wondering why. You might also be wondering how to go about it. It's a big lifestyle change! Here are some of the most common reasons people choose to become vegetarians and some helpful tips on how to get started:

-Want to protect your health: A vegetarian diet can help ward off some serious health problems, like heart disease and high cholesterol. It can also lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

-Want to benefit animals: Aside from the fact that eating meat harms animals, a vegetarian diet benefits them in other ways too. For example, livestock raised for food is often pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. And because meat production is so resource-intensive, many precious natural resources are used up in the process (think water and fossil fuels).

-Love for the environment: Many people make the choice to become vegetarians for environmental reasons as well. Not only does eating meat require more resources than a vegetarian diet does, but it also produces more waste—and methane emissions from cows contribute significantly to global warming.

How to start a vegetarian diet

It's easier to go vegetarian than you might think! If you're just starting out, take it gradually. Start planning meatless meals and find ways to add more vegetables and fruits to your diet. Eventually, you'll be able to decrease the amount of meat and animal products in your diet and fully commit to a vegetarian lifestyle.

If you're not sure where to start, give these suggestions a try:

-Vegetable-heavy salads should be a staple in any healthy diet. Add some protein like beans or tofu for extra flavor and nutritional benefits.

-Add lentils or black beans to soups or other dishes for an easy way to get more veggie protein without adding too much extra fat or calories.

-Refrigerate cooked rice noodles for quick stir fry dishes that take minutes to prepare and require minimal cooking skills!

Vegetarian and vegan substitutes and tips

Becoming a vegetarian doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing ordeal. You can start by trying some meatless substitutes. These can be found at most grocery stores and health food stores, so they're easy to find. Just about any dish that has a meat component can be replaced with a vegetarian or vegan substitute.

A few helpful tips:

*Many people worry about getting enough protein on a vegetarian diet, but it's easier than you think! Tofu, seitan, beans, lentils, soybeans and quinoa are all good sources of protein. Additionally, there are plenty of vegan proteins like tofu and tempeh that make it easy to get your daily requirement without eating meat.

*Get creative with your meals! There's no need to limit yourself to the same old salad or pasta dish day in and day out. There are plenty of ways to cook vegetables and grains for exciting and flavorful dishes--like this recipe for ratatouille!

*Stay away from processed foods as much as possible; they're often high in sugar and preservatives that aren't healthy for you or the planet. Instead, try making your own soups or sauces from scratch using fresh ingredients.

How to stick to your new lifestyle

1. Make a plan

Don’t just decide to go vegetarian and figure it out later. It may seem daunting, but once you have a plan in place, it will be easier to follow through.

2. Talk to your family and friends

If you're going to tackle this lifestyle change alone, it's important that everyone involved is behind you 100%. If they're not, it could make your experience much harder.

3. Plan for social situations

Most people turn to their family or friends for support when they go vegetarian, but what if that's not an option? Friends and family may not understand the lifestyle change and may not be supportive - especially at first. But don't worry! You'll find other ways of getting the support you need from other vegetarians who are going through the same thing as you or by talking with a professional in person or online.


A vegetarian or vegan diet can help you be healthier and feel better. There are vegetarian and vegan substitutes and tips to make the transition easier. While it may seem difficult at first, it won't be hard to stick to your new lifestyle once you start!

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