Lotus Root and Mung Bean Congee: Soothes, cleanses, and protects the liver and heart.

 Lotus Root and Mung Bean Congee: Soothes, cleanses, and protects the liver and heart.

Lotus root and mung bean soup is a dish made primarily of lotus root and mung beans.
Lotus Root and Mung Bean Congee: Soothes, cleanses, and protects the liver and heart.

Work and recreation are both necessary. Alcohol is extremely damaging to the human body. Long-term excessive drinking, in particular, can cause the most liver damage. It is advised to have a bowl of lotus root and mung bean porridge.

Boiled lotus root with mung beans may stimulate the spleen and appetite, calm the liver and gallbladder, remove heat from the liver and gallbladder, and feed the heart and circulation. Rice protects the liver and stomach, and eating after drinking helps lessen the liver's damage from a significant amount of alcohol.

Raw material:

30 grams of mung beans, 100 grams of japonica rice, 1 lotus root section.


Wash the lotus root and cut into filaments: soak mung beans in water for 2 hours.

Put mung beans and japonica rice in a pot, add water, and boil on low heat.

When it is half-cooked, add lotus root shreds and continue to simmer until cooked.

Experience in the kitchen

1. Mung beans are easier to cook after soaking ahead of time, which can shorten the time for boiling soup; 

2. After the lotus root slices are blanched and scalded, the precipitation of starch during the boiling process is reduced, which can make the soup clearer; 

3. Honey should be added after the lotus root soup has cooled; too high a temperature will destroy the nutrients in honey.

Effect of nourishing:

Boiled lotus root with mung beans may stimulate the spleen and appetite, alleviate the liver and gallbladder, remove heat from the liver and gallbladder, and nourish the blood. The liver and stomach can be protected by eating Japonica rice. Eating lotus root and mung bean porridge after drinking alcohol can help to decrease the liver damage caused by excessive alcohol use.


The rock candy can be put or left, and there is also a light fragrance of mung beans and lotus root, which is also delicious!

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