Pumpkin and jujube ribs soup

 Pumpkin and jujube ribs soup

Pumpkin and red jujube are nutritious foods. Pumpkin tastes sweet and warm, replenishes middle and Qi, red jujube replenishes spleen and stomach, replenishes Qi and body fluid, replenishes blood, ribs can nourish Yang, replenish marrow, nourish yin and regulate dryness, scallops can nourish liver and kidney and warm five zang organs.

Material Science

Process: boiling

Taste: salty and delicious

Ingredients: Scallop (25g), pumpkin (700g), jujube (dry) (100g), pork ribs (large ribs) (500g)

Seasoning: ginger (3 G) salt (3 G)

Category: infant diet, osteoporosis conditioning.


Peel and core pumpkin, wash and cut into thick pieces; Cook the spareribs in boiling water for five minutes, remove and wash, wash the red dates and remove the core; Wash scallops and soak them in water for about an hour; Boil 11 cups of water or appropriate amount in a pot, add ribs, Jiang yaozhu, pumpkin, red dates, ginger, boil over low heat for three hours, and season with salt.

nutritive value

Pumpkin: pumpkin is rich in trace elements cobalt and pectin, and cobalt content is not comparable to any other vegetable. It is a necessary trace element for islet cells to synthesize insulin. Eating pumpkin often helps prevent and cure diabetes.

Pork ribs (large ribs): pork ribs provide high-quality protein and fat necessary for human physiological activities, especially rich calcium, which can maintain bone health; It has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, tonifying essence and blood. It is suitable for those with insufficient Qi and blood and yin deficiency.

Xinjiang red jujube (jujube): Xinjiang red jujube (jujube) has a good tonic effect on middle-aged and elderly people with menopausal osteoporosis, calcium deficiency at the peak of adolescent growth and development, women are prone to anemia and iron deficiency, and people with physical deficiency after disease also have a good tonic effect. Jujube is suitable for people with chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. It can also reduce the damage of other drugs to the liver. Jujube contains adenosine cyclophosphate, which can expand blood vessels, enhance myocardial contractility, improve myocardial nutrition, and is beneficial to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Scallops: scallops have the functions of nourishing Yin, tonifying the kidney and regulating the middle of the stomach. They can treat dizziness, dry throat and thirst, deficiency tuberculosis and hemoptysis, weakness of the spleen and stomach, etc. Regular eating helps to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and fitness; According to records, scallops also have the effects of anti-cancer, softening blood vessels and preventing artisclerosis.

Not suitable

Pumpkin should not be eaten with mutton and shrimp; Eating with crab, eel and hairtail is easy to poison; Eating with venison can lead to death; Pumpkin should not be eaten with foods rich in vitamin C. Pork should not be eaten with black plum, licorice, crucian carp, shrimp, pigeon meat, snail, almond, donkey meat, sheep liver, coriander, turtle, water chestnut, buckwheat, quail meat and beef. It is not suitable to drink a lot of tea after eating pork. Jujube is not easy to eat with shrimp skin, onion, eel, seafood, animal liver, cucumber and radish.


Pumpkin is sweet and warm in nature, tonifying the middle and supplementing qi. Red jujube can tonify the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and generate fluid. Spareribs can tonify Yang, benefit the marrow, nourish yin and regulate dryness. Jiang yaozhu can tonify the liver and kidney and warm the five zang organs.

Spareribs pumpkin jujube soup: tonifying qi and protecting cardiovascular system

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