How to Make Jam Black Rice Crackers: The Easiest, Simplest Recipe

 How to Make Jam Black Rice Crackers: The Easiest, Simplest Recipe

How to Make Jam Black Rice Crackers: The Easiest, Simplest Recipe

Image Source: Freepik

Black Rice is a newer, more modern take on rice. It's actually the same thing as brown rice, but instead of being further milled to remove the outer layer of bran, it's milled to remove the inner layer called endosperm (which is white in most rice). The result is a black, nutritious grain that still has all the fiber and protein of brown rice without all the carbs. Similar to other whole grains like quinoa, kale and chia seeds, black rice has also seen a rise in popularity over the past few years. In fact, you can now find it at almost any grocery store! If you're interested in incorporating more black rice into your diet or just want to experiment with some new recipes, we have just the thing for you: our famous jam-cracker recipe!

What You'll Need

First, let's go over what you'll need for this recipe. You will need: - Riced black rice (we recommend Calrose Black rice) - Butter or coconut oil - Some kind of jam or preserves for flavoring (preferably with no added sugar) - Toasted sesame seeds - A sheet of parchment paper - A rolling pin or other cylindrical object - A baking sheet - An oven - A serrated knife for the jam - A measuring cup for the rice - A small bowl for the butter/coconut oil - A small saucepan for the jam - A slotted spoon for the jam - A mixing bowl - A spoon for the butter/coconut oil - A whisk or fork for the butter/coconut oil - A kitchen towel or paper towels

The Simplest Way to Make Jam Black Rice Crackers

The simplest way to make jam black rice crackers is to first make the jam, then make the crackers. But if you want to get fancy, you can make the jam, let it cool, then mix the jam and the black rice together before baking the crackers. The simplest way to make the jam is to add butter or coconut oil to a small saucepan on low heat. Once melted, add a jar of any kind of jam or preserves you like. Stir them together until well mixed, then turn off the heat. You can add a little or a lot of jam. The amount is up to you and your taste! Next, make the crackers. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Measure 3 parts black rice to 1 part water and pour it into a bowl. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then mix it up really well with a fork. Let it sit for another 15 minutes. The black rice will expand and become a little sticky- just how we like it! Dust your counter or rolling board with rice powder or flour. Using a rolling pin or other cylindrical object, smash the rice into a flat, even sheet. Once flattened, carefully lift the rice and place it on the baking sheet. Once the rice is on the baking sheet, use your hands to shape the rice into squares or rectangles. You can also use a knife or a pizza cutter to do this. Now, bake the crackers at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes until they turn a darker shade of brown and become a little crispy. Once done, remove the crackers from the oven and let them cool. Once the crackers are cool, you can break them up. We recommend using a serrated knife to break the crackers by sawing back and forth through the baked pieces. Lastly, add the jam to the broken crackers and top with sesame seeds. Enjoy with a cup of tea or as a quick and delicious snack.

A Healthier Variation on a Traditional Recipe

If you want to make a little healthier version of a traditional recipe, you can make the following: - You can use coconut oil instead of butter. - You can use any jam or preserves you like. - You can either toast the sesame seeds before or after making the crackers. - You can add 1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon to the coconut oil/butter before you add the jam. - You can leave out the sesame seeds if you want plain crackers. - You can also make savory black rice crackers instead of sweet ones by adding a teaspoon of salt, pepper and herbs like rosemary or thyme.

What Makes These Crackers So Healthy?

First, the black rice itself is a very healthy ingredient. It's a whole grain, so it has the same health benefits as brown rice. Black rice is also a good source of fiber, minerals and antioxidants. The coconut oil and butter used in this recipe are healthy fats, which are great for your heart. Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids, which are easier to digest than other types of fat. It also has a lot of health benefits, such as helping with weight loss, improving digestion and increasing immunity. The jam used in this recipe contains a lot of natural sugar, but it also has a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Why is Black Rice Good for You?

Black rice is actually the same thing as brown rice, except it's milled to remove the inner layer called endosperm, which is white in most rice. The result is a black, nutritious grain that still has all the fiber and protein of brown rice without all the carbs. Black rice is high in fiber, which helps your body digest food and can lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Fiber also keeps you feeling full, which can prevent overeating. Black rice has more protein than white rice, making it a healthier option for people who don't eat meat. Black rice is high in B vitamins, manganese and iron, which all support your nervous system, brain and muscles.

FAQ: Is Black Rice Good For Weight Loss?

Yes! Black rice is good for weight loss because it is high in fiber, a nutrient that you can't find many other places in foods. Fiber makes you feel full, which can help you eat less and lose weight. Black rice is also high in protein, which can help you build muscle, another way to help you lose weight. Black rice is also low in calories and carbohydrates. Eating more low-calorie and low-carb foods can help you lose weight because it can help your body burn more calories. Lastly, black rice has more iron than white rice, which can help you maintain a healthy weight because iron can help prevent anemia, a condition where your body doesn't have enough iron. Eating foods rich in iron can help prevent anemia because they provide your body with the iron it needs.


These jam black rice crackers are the perfect afternoon snack. Not only are they delicious, but they are also super healthy! The black rice is high in fiber, protein, B vitamins and manganese, all of which help your body stay healthy and strong. The coconut oil and butter used in this recipe are also healthy fats. Whether you're a health nut or just trying to get healthier, these crackers are a great recipe to start with. They are super easy to make, require only a few ingredients and taste great. Besides, who doesn't love a quick and easy recipe that is also good for you? Now, what can be better than that!

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